Christianity: Founded By Our Lord Jesus Christ, 2,000 years ago. Christ Is the Eternal Son Of God, and He Came down from Heaven, To Save humanity from our sins and from final condemnation. He Did this by Suffering and Dying upon the Cross. On the Third Day after His Death, He Rose again and Ascended into Heaven. Christ Appointed 12 men to be His Apostles here on earth. Of these 12 men, He Chose St. Peter to be the Chief Apostle, and the Papacy can be traced all the way back to him.
Christianity – Judaism: Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. Both Christianity and Judaism worship the God of Abraham. The God of Abraham Promised Abraham’s descendants(under the authority of Moses)that He Would Send them a Messiah. Christians believe that the Lord Jesus Is that Messiah, while Jews do not.
Christianity – Islam: Like Christianity, Islam is also an offshoot of Judaism. Although Islam venerates Christ as a Prophet, it teaches that Muhammad is an even greater Prophet than Christ. Christians read the Bible, while Muslims read the Quran.
Christianity – Hinduism: As previously stated Christianity was founded By the Lord Jesus Christ. Hinduism is not credited to any particular founder & is regarded as the oldest recorded religion in the world. While Christians worship God as a Trinity(Father, Son, And Holy Spirit), Hindus worship God as a Trimurti(Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiva).
Christianity – Buddhism: Both religions are named after their Founders. Christianity- Christ: Buddhism: Buddha. And both religions are centred upon their Founders. That is where the similarity ends. Christianity is monotheistic, whereas Buddhism is polytheistic. Moreover, Christianity teaches that the One True God Created the entire universe, whereas Buddhism does not believe that any deity created anything in the universe. The Christian seeks Salvation, whereas the Buddhist seeks enlightenment.
Christianity – Sikhism: Both are monotheistic religions. However, Christianity started out in Palestine, whereas Sikhism originated in the Punjab, in present day India. Christians read the Bible, whereas Sikhs read the Guru Granth Sahib.
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