Cooperating Technical Partners Success Stories

This page captures success stories and accomplishments in the Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) Program. This page is intended for current CTP Partners or interested parties wanting to learn more about the program.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s CTP Program is an innovative approach to creating partnerships between FEMA and participating National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) communities, regional agencies, state agencies, tribes and universities that have the interest and capability to become more active participants in the FEMA flood hazard mapping program. Several of our partners have made noteworthy achievements. They have developed innovative ideas that have helped them work more efficiently to hit major milestones. FEMA has highlighted these partners’ achievements and innovations in what we are calling our CTP “Success Stories.”

Maryland Department of the Environment

When Maryland became a Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP), state officials updated digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps in a way that aligned with the Maryland stream permitting process. This also provided an opportunity for the state to collect updated data on bridges and culverts in the floodplain. Complete Story

Georgia Department of Natural Resources

In the new era of flood risk assessment, management, and communication, there is an increased need for awareness. By continuously engaging communities, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources has educated community officials and empowered them better educate the public on flood risk. Complete Story

Kentucky Division of Water

Kentucky Approach to Community Engagement and Risk Communication: In a region that experiences numerous storms, a community’s mindset is often focused on disaster recovery, rather than mitigation actions that reduce losses. The Kentucky Division of Water’s goal is to empower local officials by providing tools and resources to help them make informed decisions to keep their communities safe.

Kentucky Division of Water Uses Technology to Encourage Communities to Act: By using technologies such as augmented or virtual reality, flood risk information can be communicated using pictures and images to help people understand the potential for flood damage in a specific area. Technical tools such as live polling provide convenient ways to engage the public to provide feedback on this risk data.

Read the complete stories.

Illinois State Water Survey

To improve efficiencies in flood engineering and mapping, the Illinois State Water Survey developed automated engineering tasks associated with the flood mapping process. Complete Story

Indiana Department of Natural Resources

The Indiana Floodplain Information Portal (INFIP), the Indiana Peak Discharge Determination System (IPDDS), and the Indiana Hydrology and Hydraulics Model Library were created to provide easy, public access to data that were previously unavailable, difficult or time-consuming to obtain. Complete Story

The Earth Data Analysis Center at the University of New Mexico and the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

The Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC) at the University of New Mexico in collaboration with New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management developed and hosted a public website to provide geospatial support to New Mexico communities that are at risk of flooding. EDAC georeferenced and generated vector geospatial datasets of the Special Flood Hazard Areas depicted on the FIRMs. EDAC then developed a web application that allowed these data to be viewed with a variety of geospatial base maps for the counties. Complete Story

Lycoming County, PA

After several flood events ravaged the area, including Tropical Storm Lee in 2011, residents of the Borough of Muncy were sensitive to the damages that flood waters can bring. With this in mind, and proposed flood insurance rate hikes on the horizon, Lycoming County recognized its opportunity to assure community officials and residents that taking mitigation action now to increase their resiliency to flood hazards will decrease the impacts of future floods and flood insurance rate hikes. Complete Story

Oklahoma Water Resources Board

In May and June of 2015, Oklahoma experienced severe flooding in the southeastern two thirds of the state. High water marks (HWMs) provide valuable data for understanding recent and historical food events. However, HWMs are perishable and must be collected soon after floodwaters recede. Complete Story

North Central Texas Council of Governments

The North Central Texas Council of Governments began collaborating with communities, developers, and engineering firms in 2002 to create the integrated Stormwater Management Program (iSWM™). This cooperative initiative created a regionally-developed comprehensive stormwater design manual and program that addresses water quality, streambank protection, and flood mitigation and conveyance through a system of development, design, and construction strategies. Low-impact development techniques are applied on a site-by-site basis to offset the impact of urbanism and fast-paced growth. Complete Story

Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water

The Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources (KDA DWR) set out to improve stakeholder participation in Risk MAP projects and draft map reviews. They found that stakeholders are more likely to use flood data for mitigation and planning when they have input in reviewing the draft maps. Additionally, community stakeholders can provide local knowledge that improves the accuracy of floodplain maps. KDA DWR developed a map review method that stakeholders could contribute to on their own schedule. By creating a series of online review websites, stakeholders are able to access detailed, online scoping maps and provide input on draft maps. In addition, the public is able to use this online tool to check if map changes will affect their property. Complete Story

Carson Water Subconservancy District, CA and NV

Although floods are not new in the Carson River Watershed, floodplain development is causing flooding in areas that did not previously flood. The Carson River Coalition developed the Regional Floodplain Management Plan. All counties adopted the plan and, instead of developing structural flood channels, have committed to the “living river” concept that allows the flood water to access the open floodplain. Complete Story

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